What to learn Irish? Let the Wolfhounds help

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Org. - Bringing Irish sports & culture to the Triad

What to learn Irish? Let the Wolfhounds help

Here are the options for the Spring Semester:  All courses cost $49.

*Some courses amounts on the links may be different but all courses are $49

  1. Irish Culture Course – Songs & Stories of Ireland
    • Tuesdays January 15 – February 12 (18.00 – 19.30)
  2. Irish Beginners
    • Day Class: Wednesday & Friday – January 16 – April 12 (12 – 12.45)
    • Night Class: Tuesdays – February 19 – April 30 (18.00 – 19.30)
  3. Irish Advanced Beginners
    • Mondays – February 4 – April 29 (18.00 – 20.00)

For more information contact:
Email: rita_donnellan@davidsonccc.edu
Twitter: RangDonnellan